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发表时间:2024-01-26 09:51


Shanghai Yehe Industry Trading Co., Ltd. has P84NT powder sales:

Polyimide P84®NT high performance polymer forms powders:

Excellent performance at high temperatures Polyimide P84®NT is used in applications where ordinary plastics would sooner melt or decompose. High heat deflection temperature Polyimide P84®NT guarantees very good creep resistance even at elevated temperatures. High strength and excellent shape stability Parts and components made of Polyimide P84®NT provide a rigid structure and can bear high mechanical stress and elongation. Very good impact resistance The high impact strength of Polyimide P84®NT ensures easy machinability with standard tools and good quality of edges and surfaces. Processing by state-of-the art sinter technologies Polyimide P84®NT is processable cost-efficiently by common sinter technologies such as hot compression moulding or direct forming. Powder or granules are commercially available Commercially available polyimide raw material enables plastics processors to develop proprietary polyimide parts and compounds. Small particle size Homogenous blending with functional fillers or other polymers can be achieved by employing powder grades with particle size less than 10µm. Low wear and friction behaviour Tribological compounds with solid lubricants provide dry-lubricated solutions for demanding applications.


P84 NT1                     HCM        working temperature 320℃

P84 NT2                     HCM        working temperature 360℃

P84 UHT                     HCM       working temperature 400℃

P84 NT1 15G 10P      HCM      15%Graphite+10%PTFE

P84 NT1 15G             HCM    15%Graphite

P84 NT1 40G             HCM    40%Graphite

P84 NT2 15G             HCM     15%Graphite

P84 NT2 40G             HCM     40%Graphite

P84 NT1 05P             DF

P84 NT2 05P             DF

P84UHT 05P            DF

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